Ranch House coffee is proud to be connected with these proven professionals
Get to know our RHC Family below!

Jeff "Tigger" Erhardt
Rancher, Pro Rodeo Announcer, Professional Speaker, Host & Producer of Working Ranch Radio Show and WR TV
Mandan, North Dakota
Why did you choose your line of work?
I didn't choose this work, it chose me. The more I tried to get away from what my true calling and vocation was in life, the more it called me back to it!
Biggest Accomplishments?
Back when I was a TV Anchor, I was part of the 3 man news team that won an Emmy for Best Morning News Cast. This is a huge honor that very few people in this world can claim.
Social Media:
Website - www.ranchitupshow.com
Facebook - @tiggerthevoicetobeheard @jeff.tigger.erhardt @ranchitupshow
Instagram - @jefftiggererhardt @ranchitupshow
Tell us why you drink Ranch House Coffee?
Why not is the real question! My crew drinks coffee all day long no matter what the temperature or what we are working on. Because of the "addiction", I want a coffee that does not make a person jittery and tastes as good at 9 at night as it did at 5 in the morning. This is what Ranch House Coffee does for me!

Tim O'Byrne
Publisher/Editor, WORKING RANCH magazineHenderson, Nevada
Why did you choose to be a writer?
My wife told me to write a book about my cowdogs many years ago, which led to a career in writing, and 15 years ago that led to me being asked to join WR as managing editor, and I grew my career from there.
Biggest Accomplishments?
Career wise - cowboss of Gang Ranch, BC; publisher/editor WR. Life wise - becoming better acquainted with the teachings of Jesus and learning how to be a better person, to contribute to the greater cause, leave a positive wake.
Tell us why you drink Ranch House Coffee?
When I cowboy I ride good horses, use good gear, work with a good crew in good country. I only drink one cup of coffee in the morning and it needs to be good. I use Ranch House coffee and pure water from a Berkey filter system. I won't drink poor tasting coffee, because morning coffee is an event. It's a cup of hope to greet the new day.
Social Media:
Website - www.workingranchmag.com
Facebook - @workingranchmag
Instagram - @workingranchmagazine
App - Working Ranch Nation

Mark Munzert
Cowboy Poet/Story Teller
Gansevoort, New York
Why did you choose cowboy poetry?
Not so much that I chose it as it chose me. I felt and feel compelled to share the values, principles, and ethics inherent in western culture, or more specifically cowboy culture. The camaraderie, spirit, and vigor of cowboy life needs to be shared and understood to advance. The writing is therapeutic, the performing exhilarating, and sharing it intrinsically rewarding.
Biggest Accomplishments?
2019 Top-Five nominee, International Western Music Association Male Poet of the Year. 2018 National Cowboy Poetry Rodeo ‘Silver Buckle’ Champion for serious poetry and runner up for humor.
Social Media:
Website - www.markmunzertcowboypoet.com
Facebook - @markmunzert
Instagram -@markmunzert
Tell us why you drink Ranch House Coffee?
Without a doubt, excellent coffee. Good coffee and good cowboys belong together. And, as I brew a pot I know I'm tapping into an ethical company's vigorous efforts to share not only a great cup but also great culture.

Rebecca Wanner aka "BEC"
Rancher, Host of The BEND radio show and podcast, and Co-Owner of West River Strategies Mandan, North Dakota
Why did you choose your line of work?
Was ranch raised, thus the respect for the cowboy way of life and passion for the outdoors never left my mind or heart! Every time I tried to move away, ranching and the outdoor adventures have continued to come to the front.
Biggest Accomplishments?
Can look back on life and confidently say... If ever was given a "Shot" in Life, I Took the Shot.From backpacking Europe before smartphones to being asked to rope calves at branding time to making that 425 yard shot hunting to being asked to host/create a radio show about my own adventurous outdoor life!
Social Media:
Website - www.thebendshow.com
Facebook - @thebendshow @rebecca.wanner.bec
Instagram - @thebendshow @rebeccawanner
Tell us why you drink Ranch House Coffee?
Coffee is my water! Since I require so much of the black goodness, I treat myself to only the best. Since the consumption is throughout the day, Ranch House Coffee blends perfectly with my transition from morning black to relaxing in the evenings as my topper for a good day by mixing with a little rum.

Chad Grigsby
Pro Angler
Maple Grove, Minnesota
Why did you choose Pro Bass Fishing?
I started fishing when I was 6 years old and haven't stopped for the last 40+ years. I fished my first bass tournament when I was 17 and, no pun intended, I was hooked. It was then that I realized that I need to figure out a way to fish full time. After some time working in sales and continually competing in local tournaments I was able to turn pro in 2002 and haven't looked back.
Biggest Accomplishments?
2018, Tackle Warehouse Pro Circuit Champion on Lake St. Clair. 2011, Tackle Warehouse Pro Circuit Champion on Kentucky Lake. Five Forrest Wood Cup appearances with a second place finish in 2005 on Lake Hamilton.
Social Media:
Facebook - @grigsbyfishing
Instagram - @grigsbyfishing
Tell us why you drink Ranch House Coffee?
I drink Ranch House because it is great coffee! I have always been an early riser, my job also requires it, and although I love being able to watch the sunrise as I get up and around to head out on the water, I have always needed a pick me up to kick start my day. There is nothing better than a great cup of coffee to do that and Ranch House Coffee is the perfect start to my day.
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